Voorbereiding vir aftrede : 'n Bedryfsmaatskaplikewerkondersoek

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dc.contributor.advisor Terblanche, Lourie
dc.contributor.postgraduate Myburgh, Marieta
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-04T10:17:12Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-04T10:17:12Z
dc.date.created 1999
dc.date.issued 1999
dc.description Dissertation (MA (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 1999.
dc.description.abstract Werk speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die lewe van die moderne mens wat toenemend aan al meer eise blootgestel word. Dit is nie aileen 'n bron van inkomste nie, maar 'n selfverwesenlikingsmedium en 'n plek waar erkenning, selfrespek en assosiasie verkry kan word. Werk skep 'n lewenspatroon en gee rigting a an die lewe. Aftrede van werk beteken 'n onbekende situasie waarin die lewensomstandighede goon verander en waar die afgetredene vera I met baie ongestruktureerde tyd op hande sit. Aftrede is 'n proses wat in fases plaasvind en waarvan die sukses of mislukking afhang van die voorbereiding of beplanning, die gebeurtenis self en die aanpassing daarna. Die aanpassing word ook beYnvloed deur aspekte soos finansies, gesondheid, persoonlikheid en houding om maar 'n poor te noem. Dit is telkens duidelik dot veral die voorbereiding of beplanning vir aftrede krities is. Die bedryfsmaatskaplike werker is 'n belangrike vennoot vir die werkgewer om Voorbereiding vir Aftrede-programme te antwerp en aan te bied vir werknemers. Die fokus van die program is voorkomend van aard, met onder woorde dit is gerig op die hantering van potensiele probleme en behels emosionele en praktiese aspekte. Die doe I is die voorkoming van 'n ongelukkige aftrede deur mid del van die ontwikkeling van strategiee en die oorweging van alternatiewe. Die Voorbereiding vir Aftrede-program word vandag aangebied in die konteks waar 'n meer positiewe houding open boar word jeens die ouer werknemer en werknemers dikwels verskeie opsies het ten opsigte van die wyse waarop hulle aftree. Ouer werknemers en bejaardes blyk ook 'n grater krag te wees om mee rekening te hou. Die doe I van die stu die is om op 'n wetenskaplike wyse te evalueer tot watter mate werknemers voorberei vir aftrede en die aard en omvang van die behoefte aan die Voorbereiding vir Aftrede-program te omlyn. Die navorser wil met onder woorde bepaal tot watter mate individue self beplan vir hulle aftrede en tot watter mate die program daarin kan slaag om stadig maar seker, die persone wat goon aftree te rig tot die bewustheid, houding en aksieplanne wat hulle goon nodig he om nie net die moontlike trauma van aftrede te oorleef nie, maar dit te geniet. Die navorser wil ook riglyne vir die hantering van die Voorbereiding vir Aftrede-program daarstel. Die slotsom waartoe gekom is in die studie is dot ouer werknemers wei aktief vir hulle aftrede voorberei maar nie voldoende voorberei nie. Door is dan ook 'n sterker behoefte aan Ieiding deur middel van 'n Voorbereiding vir Aftredeprogram hoe nader aan aftrede die werknemer is. Die aspekte waaroor werknemers besonder oningelig is en waaroor hulle dan inligting tydens die program moet ontvang, blyk gesondheid, versorgingsdienste en boedelbelasting te wees. Die mees kritiese aspek in aftreebeplanning volgens die respondente blyk finansiele beplanning te wees.
dc.description.abstract Work plays an important role in the life of modern man who is being exposed to more and more demands on a daily basis. Work is not only a source of income but also a vehicle for selfactualisation. It is also a place where recognition, selfrespect and association can be found. Work creates a pattern of life and gives direction to one's life. Retirement from work means an unknown situation where the life circumstances will change and where the retiree will find himself with a huge amount of spare time on hand. Retirement is a process that takes place in phases and where the success or failure of the experience depends on the preparation or planning, the event itself and the adjustment thereafter. The adjustment is also influenced by factors such as finances, health, personality and attitude to name but a few. Time after time it is clear that preparation or planning for retirement is crucial. The occupational social worker is an important partner to the employer in the design, planning, organising and presentation of Preparation for retirement programs to employees. The focus of the Preparation for retirement program is preventative in nature, in other words it is aimed at dealing with potential problems and involves emotional and practical aspects. The purpose is to ensure a happy retirement through the development of strategies and the consideration of alternatives. Today the Preparation for retirement program is presented in an environment where a more positive attitude is displayed towards the older worker and where employees have several options with regard to the way in which they will retire. Older workers and the aged seem to be a force that can no longer be ignored. The purpose of the study is to evaluate in a scientific way, to what extent employees are prepared for their retirement and to outline the nature and extent of the need for a Preparation for retirement program. In other words the reseacher wants to establish to what extent individuals plan for their retirement and whether the program can assist to focus retirees to an awareness, attitude and action plans necessary to not only avoid trauma in retirement but to enjoy it. The researcher is also proposing some guidelines for the management of the Preparation for retirement program. The conclusion of the study is that older employees actively prepare for their retirement though their preparation is not adequate enough. The closer an employee gets to retirement the stronger the need for guidance via a Preparation for retirement program. The aspects that employees are particular uninformed about and need information on are health, health care services and tax on wills and estates. The most critical aspect in retirement planning according to the respondents is financial planning.
dc.description.degree MA (Social Work)
dc.description.department Social Work and Criminology
dc.identifier.citation Myburgh, M 1999, Voorbereiding vir aftrede : 'n Bedryfsmaatskaplikewerkondersoek, MA (Social Work) Dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <http://hdl.handle.net/2263/68914>
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/68914
dc.language.iso Af
dc.publisher University of Pretoria
dc.rights © 2019 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.
dc.subject UCTD
dc.title Voorbereiding vir aftrede : 'n Bedryfsmaatskaplikewerkondersoek
dc.type Dissertation

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