Workforce sizing and scheduling for a service contractor using integer programming

Show simple item record Conradie, D.G. Joubert, Johan W. 2008-09-02T07:37:26Z 2008-09-02T07:37:26Z 2004-11
dc.description.abstract Operations Research is perceived to be on the verge of demise as a decision support tool in industry. However, this is not true, since the relevancy and interdisciplinary nature of Operations Research makes it an indispensable part of operations management. What should rather be asked is how Operations Research is introduced to undergraduate industrial engineering students. This paper reports on one of the optimisation initiatives undertaken for a service contractor using integer programming as part of a semester project. Although the model addresses specific business issues related to the contractor, it can easily be generalised for other applications. en
dc.description.abstract Operasionele Navorsing word geag as ’n kwynende besluitnemingsinstrument in die nywerheid. Dit is egter onwaar, aangesien die toepaslikheid en interdissiplinêre karakter van Operasionele Navorsing dit ‘n onmisbare rol laat speel in operasionele bestuur. Die vraag wat eerder gevra moet word is hoe Operasionele Navorsing aan voorgraadse bedryfsingenieurswesestudente aangebied word. Hierdie artikel doen verslag oor een van die optimerings-inisiatiewe wat as deel van ‘n semesterprojek vir ‘n diensverskaffer uitgevoer is, en maak van heeltal-programmering gebruik. Alhoewel die model kontrakteur-spesifieke besigheidsreëls aanspreek, kan dit maklik veralgemeen word vir wyer toepassing. af
dc.format.extent 54319 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Conradie, DG & Joubert, JW 2004, 'Workforce sizing and scheduling for a service contractor using integer programming', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 133-139. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.subject Operations Research en
dc.subject Decision support tool en
dc.subject Operations management en
dc.subject Optimisation initiatives en
dc.subject Integer programming en
dc.subject.lcsh Operations research
dc.subject.lcsh Management -- Simulation methods
dc.subject.lcsh Personnel management -- South Africa
dc.title Workforce sizing and scheduling for a service contractor using integer programming en
dc.type Article en

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