A didactic response through architecture is secure through the re-establishment of the importance of knowledge, education and culturally appropriate debate through sound. This introduces the program of the local MamsFM radio station, onto a natural landscape next to the Pienaars River. As the water runs northwards into the Magalies and onwards, so the architectural intend lends itself to this trajectory of movement and spatial discourse.
As the presence of the river is never broken, only dried out or sunken, so architectural structure seeks to simulates a practice of solid presence and eluding fragility. The spatial constraints of the intrusion onto the landscape are guided by the natural topographic recourse of the site, aiming towards sensitive but deliberate environmental intervention.
The challenge of these buildings will be iterated in the balance between the consumption of the building by the landscape, and vice versa. The exploration of the argument becomes crucial in the concept of experience in terms of the human and environmental scale. These contentions will be framed under principles of phenomenology and the encouragement of space-making.
Theoretical conclusions within the framework of phenomenology predict patterns of importance relating to scale, form, light and texture that are subjectively experienced throughout architecture. Regenerative theory advances environmental and well being strategies, focusing architecture towards sustainability within societal well being. These objective and subjective guidelines are explored as an architectural whole that relies on the efficiency of all its parts.