Omni-directionality is the ability of a mobile robot to move instantaneously in any
direction. This paper describes the wheel and controller designs of a Mecanumwheeled,
autonomous guided vehicle (AGV) for reconfigurable manufacturing
systems. Mecanum wheels use slip developed between rollers and surface, surface
and ground, to achieve omni-directionality. An advantage of omni-directional robotic
platforms is that they are capable of performing tasks in congested environments
such as those found in factory workshops, narrow aisles, warehouses, etc. Controller
Area Network (CAN) is implemented as a distributed controller to control motion
and navigation tasks of the developed robot. The design of the distributed controller is described and its performance analyzed. This increases the reliability and functionality of the mobile robot.
Die artikel beskryf wiel - en beheerontwerpe van ‘n veelrigting mobiele robot. Die robot is ‘n selfstandigbeheerde voertuig vir gebruik by vervaardigingstelsels met veranderbare konfigurasie. Die ontwerp van die robot en bypassende beheerstelsel word beskryf en ontleed teen die agterground van bewegings– en navigeertake. Die betroubaarheid en funksionering van die sisteem word beoordeel.