Integrated automotive manufacturing supply

Show simple item record Van Dyk, P.J.S. Strasheim, J.J. Van Schoor, Christiaan de Wet 2008-08-29T11:41:11Z 2008-08-29T11:41:11Z 2005-11
dc.description.abstract Supply planning and traffic flow planning are major activities in the automotive manufacturing environment worldwide. Traditionally, the impact of supply planning strategies on plant traffic is rarely considered. This paper describes the development of a Decision Support System (DSS) that will assist automotive manufacturers to analyse the effect of supply planning decisions on plant traffic during the supply planning phase of their logistics planning process. In essence, this DSS consists of a Supply Medium Decision Support Tool (SMDST) (an interactive MS-Excel model with Visual Basic interfacing) and a traffic flow simulation model tool (using eMPlant simulation software). en
dc.description.abstract Verskaffingsbeplanning en verkeersvloeibeplanning is belangrike aktiwiteite in die motorvervaardigingsbedryf wêreldwyd. Tradisioneel word die uitwerking van verskaffings-beplanningsstrategië op aanlegverkeer selde in ag geneem. Hierdie artikel beskryf die ontwikkeling van ’n Besluitnemings Ondersteuningstelsel (DSS) wat motorvervaardigers sal ondersteun in die analise van die effek van verskaffingsbeplanningbesluite op aanlegverkeer tydens die verskaffingsbeplanningsfase van hulle logistieke beplanningsproses. Hierdie DSS bestaan hoofsaaklik uit ’n Verskaffings-vervoermiddel Besluitnemingshulpmiddel (SMDST) (’n interaktiewe MS-Excel model met “Visual Basic” koppelling) asook ’n simulasiemodel van verkeersvloei (met eM-Plant simulasiesagteware). af
dc.format.extent 330665 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Van Dyk, PJS, Strasheim, JJ & Van Schoor, C de W 2005,'Integrated automotive manufacturing supply', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 25-42. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.subject Supply planning en
dc.subject Traffic flow planning en
dc.subject Decision Support System (DSS) en
dc.subject Automotive manufacturers en
dc.subject Logistics planning process en
dc.subject Traffic flow simulation model tool en
dc.subject.lcsh Factory management
dc.subject.lcsh Business logistics
dc.title Integrated automotive manufacturing supply en
dc.type Article en

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