New cell phone technology offers the possibility to implement long distance control of robotic systems, although cell phones were not developed for control purposes but rather for communication. In this publication it is described how a cell phone is combined with a microcontroller, an audio-to-digital converter, a relay board, a wireless video camera and audio feedback to control a prototype robot. The
limitations of long distance audio control of the prototype robot are discussed.
AFRIKAANS: Nuwe selfoontegnologie bied die moontlikheid van langafstandsbeheer van robotstelsels, hoewel selfone nie ontwerp is vir beheerdoeleides nie, maar vir kommunikasie. In hierdie publikasie word beskryf hoe ‘n selfoon gekombineer word
met ‘n mikrobeheerder, ‘n oudio-na-digitale-omskakelaar, ‘n relê-bord, ‘n koordlose
videokamera tesame met oudioterugvoer om die beheer van ‘n prototipe robot te
behartig. Die beperkinge van langafstand-oudiobeheer van die prototipe robot word