Supplementary File 1: Summary of repeat-induced-point mutation (RIP) per scaffold.
Supplementary File 2: Examples of the sequence depth and number of mismatches across
repetitive regions in Knoxdaviesia capensis and K. proteae.
Supplementary File 3: Overview of the classification of Knoxdaviesia genome-wide speciesspecific
proteins in Functional Catalogue categories.
Supplementary File 4: Classification and annotation of the genome-wide species-specific
proteins of Knoxdaviesia capensis and K. proteae.
Supplementary File 5: Knoxdaviesia species-specific proteins putatively involved in
secondary metabolism.
Supplementary File 6: Summary of proteins excluded from and included in the final
secretome dataset.
Supplementary File 7: Overview of the classification of Knoxdaviesia secreted proteins in
Functional Catalogue categories.
Supplementary File 8: Classification and annotation of the putative secreted proteins of
Knoxdaviesia capensis and K. proteae.
Supplementary File 9: Classification and annotation of the small secreted cysteine-rich
proteins (SSCPs) identified in the two Knoxdaviesia genomes.
Supplementary Table S1: Occurrence of the TTAGGGTTAC / GTAACCCTAA
Knoxdaviesia telomere repeat in K. capensis and K. proteae.
Supplementary Table S2: Populous orthogroups in the Knoxdaviesia genomes.
Supplementary Table S3: Outcome of the protein BLAST for the Knoxdaviesia capensis
and K. proteae species-specific proteins.
Supplementary Table S4: Cysteine-rich secreted proteins and proteins with hits to the
Pathogen Host Interaction (PHI) database in Knoxdaviesia capensis and K. proteae.
Supplementary Table S5: Amplification of the T1PKS-4 cluster deletion in Knoxdaviesia
capensis and K. proteae.
Supplementary Data:
The predicted proteins of Knoxdaviesia capensis and K. proteae in FASTA format and the
gff3 annotation files of the transposable elements identified by the REPET package have been
made available on Mendeley Data (, DOI:10.17632/rbx32w7crp.1