Die kreatiewe en innoverende universiteitsbiblioteek

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dc.contributor.advisor De Bruin, H.
dc.contributor.coadvisor Boshoff, A.B.
dc.contributor.postgraduate Pienaar, Heila
dc.date.accessioned 2018-08-27T06:54:21Z
dc.date.available 2018-08-27T06:54:21Z
dc.date.created 1994
dc.date.issued 1994
dc.description Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1994. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Afrikaans: Die studie gaan van die standpunt uit dat universiteitsbiblioteke meer kreatief en innoverend moet funksioneer as wat tans die geval is. Universiteitsbiblioteke moet vandag komplekse uitdagings en geleenthede hanteer, soos die veranderings in die akademiese kommunikasieproses, die rol van die inligtingtegnologie en die klemverskuiwing van die besit van inligting na die toegang tot inligting. Universiteitsbiblioteke was oorspronklik produksie-ingestelde organisasies, met die burokrasie as die mees algemene organsiasievorm. Daar bestaan nie eksplisiete riglyne vir die antwerp van kreatiewe en innoverende organisasies nie. Die teoretiese studie ondersoek die drie veranderlikes: organsiasiestruktuur, organisasiekultuur en -klimaat en die rol van die persoonlikheid van individue in organisasies, ten einde riglyne af te lei vir die antwerp van 'n kreatiewe en innoverende universiteitsbiblioteek. Tydens die empiriese studie word ondersoek ingestel na die verband tussen die mate van kreatiwiteit en innovasie in universiteitsbiblioteke en die organisasieklimaat. Die vyf universiteitsbiblioteke wat as gevalle gekies is, se mate van kreatiwiteit en innovasie is ondersoek deur die mees kreatiewe en innoverende produk van elke universiteitsbiblioteek te identifiseer en aan 'n internasionale paneel vir beoordeling voor te le. 'n Gestandaardiseerde klimaatmeetinstrument, naamlik die Creative Environment Scales: Work Environment Inventory (WEI) is gebruik om te bepaal in watter mate die klimaat van universiteitsbiblioteke kreatiwiteit en innovasie ondersteun. Daar is op grond van die literatuurstudie van die algemene organisasieteorie, en die veranderlikes: organisasiestruktuur, organisasieklimaat en -kultuur, en persoonlikheid van individue in organisasies, riglyne afgelei om as raamwerk en gids vir die ontwerp van kreatiewe en innoverende universiteitsbiblioteke te dien. Dit wil voorkom asof die drie organisatoriese veranderlikes 'n belangrike rol speel in kreatiewe en innoverende organisasies, en of daar verbande tussen die veranderlikes bestaan. Wat die empiriese ondersoek betref, blyk dit dat die operasionalisering van die konstrukte kreatiwiteit en innovasie, asook organisasieklimaat wat kreatiwiteit en innovasie ondersteun, problematies is. Die grootte van universiteitsbiblioteke, met die implikasie dat groter universiteitsbiblioteke oor meer hulpbronne beskik, kan gesien word as 'n belangrike veranderlike ten opsigte van die mate van kreatiwiteit en innovasie. Die waarde van die studie is gelee in die bydrae wat dit tot die wetenskaplike uitbreiding van kennis maak. Die teoretiese studie maak 'n bydrae tot die teorie van kreatiewe en innoverende organisasies, terwyl die empiriese ondersoek se waarde veral gelee is in die operasionalisering van die konstrukte kreatiwiteit en innovasie. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract English: This study takes the view that university libraries must be more creative and innovative. University libraries must face complex issues, such as changes in the academic communication process, the role of information technology and the change in emphasis from the possession of information to the access to information. University libraries are traditionally production orientated, with bureaucracy as the preferred organization structure. Guidelines for the design of creative and innovative organizations do not exist. The theoretical study examines the three variables: organizational structure, organizational culture and climate, and the personality of individuals in organizations, in order to develop guidelines for the design of creative and innovative university libraries. The empirical study examines the possible relationship between the degree of creativity and innovation of university libraries and the organizational climate. Five university libraries were chosen for the case study. The degree of creativity and innovation of the university libraries was examined by identifying the most creative and innovative product from each library. A panel of international experts evaluated these products. A standardized climate measurement instrument, the Creative Environment Scales: Work Environment Inventory (WEI), was used to measure the degree to which the climate of university libraries support creativity and innovation. Guidelines for the design of creative and innovative university libraries were developed on the basis of a literature study of organizational theory and the variables: organizational structure, organizational culture and climate, and the personality of individuals in organizations. It seems as if these three organizational variables play an important role in creative and innovative organizations, and as if there might be relationships between these variables. The empirical study has shown that there are problems with the operationalization of the constructs creativity and innovation, as well as with organizational climate that supports creativity and innovation. The size of university libraries, with the implication that larger university libaries have more resources, can be seen as an important variable in terms of the degree of creativity and innovation. The value of the study is founded in the contribution that is made to the scientific expansion of knowledge. The theoretical study makes a contribution to the theory of creative and innovative organizations, while the empirical study's value lies especially in the operationalization of the constructs creativity and innovation. en_ZA
dc.description.availability Unrestricted en_ZA
dc.description.degree DPhil en_ZA
dc.description.department Information Science en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Pienaar, H 1994, Die kreatiewe en innoverende universiteitsbiblioteek, DPhil Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <http://hdl.handle.net/2263/66338> en_ZA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/66338
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_ZA
dc.publisher University of Pretoria
dc.rights © 2018 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.
dc.subject UCTD en_ZA
dc.title Die kreatiewe en innoverende universiteitsbiblioteek en_ZA
dc.type Thesis en_ZA

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