Postmodernity changed
the function, content and structures of church ordinances. This is a reality that cannot be
denied by faith communities. New possibilities arise. Every ‘absolute truth’ can be formulated
in a different way. Multiple truths suggest multiple possibilities. Plurality does not create
chaos and risks anymore, but implies richness. Success and achievement have become relative
to relations and the meaning of relationships. Individuals and small groups have discovered
their own worth and identity. The disgust for rules has become the energy for the venture into
new meaning. According to Bauman, the choice for humanity, including the church, is between
ethics and morality. The individual’s responsibility to every Other is clear. Respect for diversity
is the challenge. A new search for identity and meaning, as found in relationships is what
characterises our time. Rules will not be of any help; the understanding of every Other’s story
is important. The concepts to take into consideration are meaning, integrity, relativity, diversity,
communication, justice and identity. A church ordinance of meaning should have the following
characteristics: room for experimentation, complementary straights, room for people to be
heard, authority carried by truth, a liturgical character, minimum geographical limits, room
for diversity, structures that serve and an open view on offices.
in the debate regarding the formulation and implimentation of a church-order. In the current
context of postmodernity, where power and instruments of power are challenged, the debate
regarding church polity finds itself at a critical point. The study suggests that the current
definitions and models of church-orders are not beneficial to the church regarding her mission
in the world anymore. The researcher is of the opinion that the changes suggested, are possible
and needed. The academic discipline of church polity will have to take note of these, in order to stay relevant in a postmodern context. In formulating the arguments, the researcher made
use of sosiological perspectives.