The article presents a socio-historical analysis of the sections in the Apostolic Faith Mission
(AFM) of South Africa from 1908 to the present. In order to achieve this, the article studies the
relationship between the South African social politics and the ecclesiastical politics. It
demonstrates how the AFM got divided into sections. The sections are the white, mixed race,
Indian and black sections. The four sections in the AFM were not equal in power and
responsibilities. The white section of the church was the major and domineering section of the
AFM. Although other sections like mixed race and Indian were also inferior to the white
section, the black section was the most inferior and marginalised section. The article also
studies how the divisions in the AFM were addressed and solved. The purpose is to demonstrate
how the church that was once divided into sections according to racial groups was able to
move into unity.
scholarly contribution to the ongoing research on the history of the AFM in the field of church
history. It juxtaposes church history with the problems facing society today like racial
segregation and how such problems can be addressed and solved.
Mookgo Solomon Kgatle is a PhD (New Testament) graduate and research associate at the Department of New Testament Studies,
University of Pretoria. This article flows from his PhD thesis titled Servant leadership in Mark 10:35–45 applied to African Pentecostal
Christianity, completed under the supervision of Prof. Dr Ernest van Eck. (http://hdl.handle.net/2263/53078)