S1 Table. Accession numbers, Bioproject and sample numbers in ªFASTQº files from the
isolates sequenced and uploaded into NCBI short read archive. The Eritrean M. bovis isolates
are compared with the widely available M. bovis reference strains, the field strains from
the collections of United States Department of Agriculture, Centre de Recercaen Sanitat Animal
(CReSA)ÐInstitute de Recerca i Technologia AgroalimentaÂries (IRTA), Spain, and University
of Ibadan, Nigeria, that shared the same common ancestor.
S2 Table. SNP table comparing the Eritrean strains with Ethiopian, Spanish and American
(USA) strains with reference to Bz-31150_Ref_Strain AF2_SB0133 and BCG_Ref_-
S1 Fig. Global comparison of spoligotypes in relation to the spoligotypes of the Eritrean
M. bovis isolates.
S2 Fig. The overall phylogenetic structure ofM. bovis isolates in the NVSL database with
the Eritrean and related strains.