Exhibits: B15, B16, B17, B18, B19, B20, B21, B22, B23, B24, B25, B26, B27 and B28.
AZASM Publication - June 16 Commemoration, 1983; AZAPO Manifesto; AZAPO Minutes of 2nd Annual Congress, March 1982; AZAPO 4th Congress, 1984; AZAPO Publication re The National Situation; AZAPO Pamphlet - Don't vote for New Constitution; AZAPO Policy. On the march:facing the challenges; AZAPO Pamphlet - Bloody murder re Inkatha; AZAPO Pamphlet - Black unity; AZAPO Pamphlet - Umbutho Wesizwe; AZAPO Speech by T Mabasa - Shaping our destiny; AZAPO New Year Message, 1984; AZAPO Speech by N Phosa: The law and the struggle; and AZAPO Publication - Frank Talk, vol. 1, no's 2 & 3, July/August 1984.