S1 Fig. Questionnaire. A questionnaire tool that was used to collect demographic and HIV
risk factors from the study participants. Codes (in red) were used to capture questionnaire
data into the Excel spreadsheet. N/AÐnot applicable was used for participants who had no
recent sexually transmitted diseases (number 12) and this also applied for parameters on number
18 and 19. Questionnaire parameters (numbers 5, 6, 8, 15 and 18) that were not applicable
to the whole general or pregnant population group were not included in the group's analysis
but some of them were analysed separately.
S2 Fig. Validation questionnaire. A questionnaire tool that was used to collect data for validation.
This data was collected at a follow up visit.
S1 Table. Validation questionnaire data obtained at a different time point.
S2 Table. Some behavioural and biologic characteristics of participants with newly diagnosed
HIV infection.