‘n Missionale Inkarnasiemodel vir Nederduitse Gereformeerde gemeentes in voorstedelike gemeenskappe, met spesiale verwysing na die apostoliese leierskap van Paulus

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dc.contributor.advisor Niemandt, Cornelius Johannes Petrus (Nelus)
dc.contributor.postgraduate Lindeque, Cornelis
dc.date.accessioned 2018-03-14T12:54:09Z
dc.date.available 2018-03-14T12:54:09Z
dc.date.created 2018-04-20
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.description Dissertation (MTh)--University of Pretoria, 2018. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract In both church as well as theological circles much attention has been paid, during the past decades, to the development of missional congregations. The General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa adopted a policy document in 2013, to encourage and empower local congregations on their way to becoming truly missional churches. This thesis analyses and evaluates one congregation’s attempt to discover the meaning of being a missional congregation in a local setting: Doornkloof Family Church within the Doringkloof community, Centurion. In the Introductory chapter, Chapter 1, the research proposal is presented. The following Chapter 2 is devoted to a discussion of the theological concepts underpinning the development of a missional theology and practice, namely the concepts of missio Dei and missio ecclesiae. At the heart of the development of a missional church lies the concept of incarnation. The church needs to follow in the footsteps of Christ, committing itself to be incarnated in the world, as well as in the local community. This is attended to in Chapter 3, by discussing inter alia the importance of contextualisation and inculteration in the local setting. In Chapter 4 the demands of apostolic leadership are discussed, by analysing the leadership model of the apostle Paul. Attention is given to modern research on Paul’s leadership example, making use –inter alia – of the so called chaos-theory. Chapter 5 is devoted to the DRC Family Church Doornkloof and its endeavours on the road to becoming a missional church. The role of the clergy as well as other leaders are analysed. After that, the context in which the church operates, on macro-meso- and micro-levels, comes under the lens. In Chapter 6 the development of a missional strategy for the DRC Family Church Doornkloof is discussed and evaluated. Local projects, inter alia the Straatgeloof (“Faith on the street”) initiative, are scrutinised. In the final chapter, Chapter 7, the results of the research are discussed, together with a brief note on areas for future research on the subject. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract In both church as well as theological circles much attention has been paid, during the past decades, to the development of missional congregations. The General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa adopted a policy document in 2013, to encourage and empower local congregations on their way to becoming truly missional churches. This thesis analyses and evaluates one congregation’s attempt to discover the meaning of being a missional congregation in a local setting: Doornkloof Family Church within the Doringkloof community, Centurion. In the Introductory chapter, Chapter 1, the research proposal is presented. The following Chapter 2 is devoted to a discussion of the theological concepts underpinning the development of a missional theology and practice, namely the concepts of missio Dei and missio ecclesiae. At the heart of the development of a missional church lies the concept of incarnation. The church needs to follow in the footsteps of Christ, committing itself to be incarnated in the world, as well as in the local community. This is attended to in Chapter 3, by discussing inter alia the importance of contextualisation and inculteration in the local setting. In Chapter 4 the demands of apostolic leadership are discussed, by analysing the leadership model of the apostle Paul. Attention is given to modern research on Paul’s leadership example, making use –inter alia – of the so called chaos-theory. Chapter 5 is devoted to the DRC Family Church Doornkloof and its endeavours on the road to becoming a missional church. The role of the clergy as well as other leaders are analysed. After that, the context in which the church operates, on macromeso- and micro-levels, comes under the lens. In Chapter 6 the development of a missional strategy for the DRC Family Church Doornkloof is discussed and evaluated. Local projects, inter alia the Straatgeloof (“Faith on the street”) initiative, are scrutinised. In the final chapter, Chapter 7, the results of the research are discussed, together with a brief note on areas for future research on the subject.
dc.description.availability Unrestricted en_ZA
dc.description.degree MTh en_ZA
dc.description.department Biblical and Religious Studies en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Lindeque, C 2018, ‘n Missionale Inkarnasiemodel vir Nederduitse Gereformeerde gemeentes in voorstedelike gemeenskappe, met spesiale verwysing na die apostoliese leierskap van Paulus, MTh Thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <http://hdl.handle.net/2263/64254> en_ZA
dc.identifier.other A2018 en_ZA
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/64254
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_ZA
dc.publisher University of Pretoria
dc.rights © 2018 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.
dc.subject UCTD en_ZA
dc.subject Missional Incarnation Model
dc.subject Dutch Reformed churches
dc.subject Suburban communities
dc.subject Apostolic leadership
dc.subject Pauline leadership
dc.subject Church mission
dc.subject Community engagement
dc.subject Missionele Inkarnasiemodel
dc.subject Nederlandse Gereformeerde kerke
dc.subject Voorstedelike gemeenskappe
dc.subject Apostoliese leierskap
dc.subject Pauliniese leierskap
dc.subject Kerksending
dc.subject Gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid
dc.subject.other Theology theses SDG-03
dc.subject.other SDG-03: Good health and well-being
dc.subject.other Theology theses SDG-04
dc.subject.other SDG-04: Quality education
dc.subject.other Theology theses SDG-10
dc.subject.other SDG-10: Reduced inequalities
dc.subject.other Theology theses SDG-16
dc.subject.other SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
dc.title ‘n Missionale Inkarnasiemodel vir Nederduitse Gereformeerde gemeentes in voorstedelike gemeenskappe, met spesiale verwysing na die apostoliese leierskap van Paulus en_ZA
dc.type Thesis en_ZA

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