Survey of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) on Citrus paradisi (Macfad.) cv. “Marsh” in South Africa

Show simple item record Read, David Alan Palacios, M.F. Figueroa, J. Stein, B. Pietersen, Gerhard 2018-03-14T05:11:46Z 2018-08
dc.description.abstract Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is endemic throughout the citrus production areas of South Africa and mild-strain cross-protection is employed to combat the negative effects of severe-strain infections. The country is among the world’s leading producers of grapefruit, however cross-protected trees often display severe stem grooving, regardless of the rootstock. Previously, cross-protection sources were evaluated empirically, through graft inoculations onto indicator hosts. Recent research has shown that cross-protection, possibly mediated by super-infection exclusion, is strain-specific. This, coupled with the varying affinities that cultivars display for different CTV strains, has shown the need to determine which CTV strains are associated with specific commercial cultivars. In this study, thirty-six Citrus paradisi (Macfad.) cv. “Marsh” plants were sampled in the South African grapefruit production areas of Malelane and Pongola. CTV populations from these samples were analysed through the amplification of the p33 gene and subsequent direct Sanger sequencing. A subset of 12 of these amplicons was selected for deep Illumina MiSeq sequencing. The resulting data showed high intra- and inter- orchard diversity of CTV, with populations showing similar genotype compositions to those found in recent studies on the “Star Ruby” cultivar. Populations were composed of a clearly dominant component, in most cases RB or Kpg3/SP/T3-like sequences, with at least two minor sequence types. AT-1-like and VT-like sequences were found to be dominant in only four and one of the analysed populations respectively. HA16–5, Taiwan-Pum/M/T5, T30 and B165 were present as intermittent minor components (less than 10% of mapped reads) across the populations. en_ZA
dc.description.department Microbiology and Plant Pathology en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2019-08-01
dc.description.librarian hj2018 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship The National Research Foundation (South Africa) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovación Productiva (Argentina) via the South Africa-Argentina Bilateral agreement programme. en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Read, D.A., Palacios, M.F., Figueroa, J. et al. Survey of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) on Citrus paradisi (Macfad.) cv. “Marsh” in South Africa. European Journal of Plant Pathology (2018) 151: 1101-1105. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0929-1873 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1573-8469 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1007/s10658-018-1433-8
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Springer en_ZA
dc.rights © Koninklijke Nederlandse Planteziektenkundige Vereniging 2018. The original publication is available at : en_ZA
dc.subject Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) en_ZA
dc.subject Grapefruit en_ZA
dc.title Survey of Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) on Citrus paradisi (Macfad.) cv. “Marsh” in South Africa en_ZA
dc.type Postprint Article en_ZA

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