Genl J C G Kemp se rol in die Rebellie van 1914-15

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dc.contributor.advisor Van Rensburg, A.P.J.
dc.contributor.postgraduate Ligthelm, Johan Hendrik 2018-03-07T08:43:45Z 2018-03-07T08:43:45Z 1979 1979
dc.description Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1979. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract English: At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, Jan Christoffel Greyling Kemp, the undaunted and brilliant Boer hero of the Anglo Boer War, was 42 years old and a major in the newly-founded Union Defence Force. Among his military colleagues were quite a few comrades-in-arms from the years 1899-1902, i.e. Lt;-Col. Manie Maritz and others. Twelve years before, in the peace tent at Vereeniging, Kemp had remained a die-hard and, even afterwards, the republican ideal could not be erased from his mind. In 1912 Kemp and some of his fellow officers even decided to use their position of authority to reinstate the republican independence as soon as the opportunity should arise. The outbreak of World War I in 1914 presented such an opportunity. At first Kemp opposed Gen. J.H. de la Rey's plan to found a republic at Treurfontein on 15 August 1914. He felt that the moment was not opportune. His conviction only materialized after the military meeting in Pretoria on 14 August 1914. There it became obvious to Kemp that Botha and Smuts were more engaged in promoting the interests of the Empire than those of the Afrikaner. He now became one of the fiercest opponents of the government's proposed German South West African campaign and turned his back upon the government. Kemp, who only a short while before had tried to restrain De la Rey, now became the rebel. Early in September 1914, Kemp and De la Rey planned to overthrow Botha's government by means of a coup d'etat. While De la Rey was attending a session of parliament, Kemp, incited by the resignation of Beyers as Com.-Gen. of the Defence Force, resigned as staff officer. De la Rey's sudden death, however, forced Kemp to reconsider his situation and to join the group that protested against the government's war policy. Thus he played a prominent part in the protest meetings that were held in Lichtenburg, Potchefstroom and Kopjes. The wavering attitude of Beyers caused Kemp to step into the limelight in the Western Transvaal after 22 October 1914. Because of the rebels being defeated at home, Kemp was compelled to try and contact Maritz in German South West Africa. On 2 November 1914 Kemp and Beyers parted ways when Kemp, accompanied by approximately 600 rebels, began his heroic march through the Kalahari Desert. Under his inspiring command this inhospitable territory was conquered in one of the most remarkable feats in the military history of South Africa. After the arrival of his rebel force and Kemp's meeting with Maritz, they tried by means of successful military operations against the government forces to lay the foundation of satisfactory stipulations. However, personal conflicts between Kemp and Maritz as well as an unsuccessful attack upon Upington compelled them to surrender. Kemp received the heaviest sentence of all the rebel leaders: 7 years in jail and a fine of R2 000. According to Kemp, his participation in the rebellion was not only motivated by the Union government's decision to declare war, but also because of his burning desire to found a republic in South Africa. After 1914 Kemp would strive for this ideal as a politician. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Afrikaans: Toe die Eerste Wereldoorlog in 1914 uitbreek, was Jan Christoffel Greyling Kemp,. onverskrokke en talentvolle Boere-krygsheld uit die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 42 jaar oud en rnajoor in die pasgestigte Unie-Verdedigingsrnag. Onder sy rnilitere kollegas was heelwat gewese wapenbroers uit die jare 1899-1902 soos luit.-kol. Manie Maritz, en andere. In die vredestent by Vereeniging, twaalf jaar tevore, het Kemp enduit Bittereinder gebly en daarna het die republikeinse ideaal nooit in sy hart vervaag nie. Trouens, in 1912 het hy en sornrnige van sy rnede-offisiere besluit dat hulle hul posisies sou gebruik om die republikeinse onafhanklikheid te herstel sodra 'n geskikte geleentheid horn voordoen. Die uitbreek van die Eerste Wereldoorlog in 1914 het hierdie geleentheid voorsien. Aanvanklik het Kemp genl. J.H. de la Rey se plan opponeer om op 15 Augustus 1914 'n republiek op Treurfontein uit te roep. Syns insiens was die tyd nog nie ryp daarvoor nie. Sy standpunt sou eers uitkristalliseer na die offisiersberaad in Pretoria op 14 Augustus 1914. Daar het dit vir Kemp duidelik geword dat Botha en Smuts eerder Ryks- as Afrikanerbelange nagestreef het. Eensklaps het hy nou na vore getree as een van die kwaaiste teenstanders van die regering se voorgenome Duitswesveldtog en daarna keer hy die rug op die regering. Die Kemp wat nog kort tevore vir De la Rey tot vreedsame insigte wou beweeg, het nou reeds in sy gees gerebelleer. Saam met De la Rey het hy vroeg in September 1914 beplan om die regering van Botha in 'n staatsgreep omver te werp. Terwyl De la Rey die parlementsitting in Kaapstad bygewoon het, het Kemp, aangespoor deur Beyers se bedanking as kommandant-generaal van die Verdedigingsmag, ook as stafoffisier bedank. Die onverwagte dood van De la Rey het hom gedwing om sy posisie te heroorweeg en hom by die protesbeweging teen die regering se oorlogsbeleid te skaar. Gevolglik speel hy 'n belangrike rol in die protesvergaderings te Lichtenburg, Potchefstroom en Kopjes. Die weifelende houding van Beyers het Kemp na 22 Oktober 1914 sterker in Wes-Transvaal na vore laat tree. As gevolg van die binnelandse mislukking van die Rebellie is Kemp gedwing om met Maritz te probeer kontak maak in Duitswes. Op 2 November 1914 skei die wee van Kemp en Beyers toe eersgenoemde met ongeveer 600 rebelle op 'n heldetog deur die Kalahari begin trek. Onder sy besielende leiding is die onherbergsame gebied suksesvol trotseer in een van die merkwaardigste togte in die militere geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika. en_ZA
dc.description.availability Unrestricted en_ZA MA en_ZA
dc.description.department Historical and Heritage Studies en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Ligthelm, JH 1979, Genl J C G Kemp se rol in die Rebellie van 1914-15, MA Dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <> en_ZA
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_ZA
dc.publisher University of Pretoria
dc.rights © 2017 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria.
dc.subject UCTD en_ZA
dc.title Genl J C G Kemp se rol in die Rebellie van 1914-15 en_ZA
dc.type Dissertation en_ZA

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