S1 STROBE Checklist.
S1 Fig. States and matrix of possible transitions of cervical dilatation. (a) Schematic representation
of possible states from 2 cm to 10 cm of cervical dilatation until birth (absorbing
state). (b) Matrix representation of all possible transitions between states of cervical dilatation.
S2 Fig. 3D graphical illustration of transition (matrix) model. The temporal evolution of
the distribution representing the theoretical cohort entering labour at 2 cm of cervical dilation.
Example of graphical representation of the transition (matrix) model for a simple case study
where each state (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10) is modelled as the possible next cervical dilatation until
the delivery state (D). Simulation was for a period cycle of 1 hour between transitions for the
sake of simplicity.
S3 Fig. Average labour curves by parity based on nonlinear mixed models. P0, nulliparous
women; P1, parity = 1 women; P2+, parity = 2+ women.
S1 Video. Individual plots of cervical dilatation, average labour curve (from Markov models),
and alert line for nulliparous women.
S2 Video. Individual plots of cervical dilatation, average labour curves (from Markov models),
and alert line for multiparous women.
S3 Video. Individual plots of cervical dilatation, average labour curve (from nonlinear
mixed models), and alert line for nulliparous women.
S4 Video. Individual plots of cervical dilatation, average labour curves (from nonlinear
mixed models), and alert line for multiparous women.
S1 Data. Data set.
S2 Data. Data dictionary.