Pretoria nuusbrief, 2008.06

Show simple item record Swanepoel, Rosa
dc.contributor.editor Van Niekerk, Karlien 2008-07-31T06:42:42Z 2008-07-31T06:42:42Z 2008-06
dc.description Copy of a Word document in pdf, compiled by Rosa Swanepoel and discussing events during the Anglo-Boer War. en
dc.description.abstract Bespreking van koerantberigte tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog wat die volgende beskryf: die optrede van die Engelse teenoor die Boere, Koningin Victoria se verjaarsdag wat nie gevier is nie, en die simboliese begrafnis van 'n Britse vlag. Nuus t.o.v. Tom Andrews se Emagameni-webruim is ingesluit. af
dc.description.abstract Discussion of newspaper articles describing the following: the treatment of the Boers by the English, the non-celebration of Queen Victoria's birthday, & the symbolic burial of a British flag. News concerning Tom Andrews's Emagameni-website is included. en
dc.format.extent 388751 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Afrikaans af
dc.rights Complies with rights as specified by the Collection Administrator en
dc.subject Eerste Vryheidsoorlog af
dc.subject Anglo-Boereoorlog af
dc.subject Andrews, Tom en
dc.subject Emagameni en
dc.subject Britse vlag af
dc.subject British flag en
dc.subject Anglo-Boer War en
dc.subject Queen Victoria en
dc.subject Koningin Victoria af
dc.subject Begrafnis af
dc.subject Burial en
dc.subject Tombstone en
dc.subject Grafsteen af
dc.subject Gravestone en
dc.subject.lcsh Pretoria (South Africa) -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Transvaal (South Africa) -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Transvaal (South Africa) -- History -- War of 1880-1881 en
dc.title Pretoria nuusbrief, 2008.06 af
dc.title.alternative Newsletter on Pretoria, June 2008 [translated from Afrikaans] en
dc.type Image en
dc.type Text en

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