To achieve policy goals that address industrialisation and economic growth, modern states
depend on the ready access to energy. This poses the question as to what developing countries
such as Namibia can do to ensure energy supply, especially by focusing on readily available
resources such as wind and the sun. The study firstly identifies the non-technical barriers
to the implementation of renewable energy solutions by using a qualitative approach that
focuses on in-depth interviews with industry stakeholders. Secondly, based on the identified
barriers, mechanisms to enhance the role of renewable energy are suggested based on
existing policies, the literature review and the interview responses. Most of the interviewees
identified governance issues and policy gaps as the key barriers limiting the development of
renewable energy projects in Namibia. This is aligned to international experience as described
in literature, where policy gaps are often identified as a major barrier to the implementation
of renewable energy. Literature further also showed that often more than one barrier was at
play and that, similar to the findings for Namibia, a systems approach needs to be followed.
The policy recommendations from the study include a revision of the outdated Energy White
Paper and the speedy completion of a renewable energy policy. It is further recommended
that policy documents clearly set out the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders
to enable a concerted effort to remove the barriers to renewable energy that are prevalent in