This study explores the connection between dominant psychological type preferences and
reader interpretations of biblical texts. Working in type-alike groups (dominant sensing,
dominant intuition, dominant feeling and dominant thinking), a group of 40 Anglican clergy
(20 curates and 20 training incumbents) were invited to employ their strongest function to
engage conversation between Mark’s account of Jesus sending out the disciples (Mk 6: 6b–16)
and the experience of ministry in today’s world. The data supported the hermeneutical theory
proposed by the SIFT approach to biblical interpretation and liturgical preaching by
demonstrating the four clear and distinctive voices of sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking.
Prof. Dr Leslie Francis,
Dr Greg Smith, and
Dr Guli Francis-Dehqani is
participating in the research
project, ‘Biblical Theology
and Hermeneutics’, directed
by Prof. Dr Andries G. van
Aarde, Post Retirement
Professor in the Dean’s Office
of the Faculty of Theology of
the University of Pretoria.