This article, taking the Faculty’s centenary celebration slogan of ‘Gateway to’ as cue, reflects on
the contributions made by lecturers in the Department of New Testament Studies, University
of Pretoria, that ‘opened the gates’ for the disadvantaged, excluded and marginalised. How
did these scholars envisage inclusive believing communities and an open society with equal
opportunities for all? It is argued that because of a historical, critical and close reading of the
texts of the New Testament, many scholars belonging to the Department during the past 100
years were able to hear the texts of the New Testament in their original socio-historical settings
(what it meant for its original readers), and therefore were able to apply these meanings in
ever-changing new contexts (what it means).
This research is part of
the project ‘Socio-cultural
Readings’, directed by
Prof. Dr Ernest van Eck,
Department of New
Testament Studies, Faculty
of Theology, University
of Pretoria.