Technology has brought major challenges as to how organisations view global markets and customers, and how they operate within their industry value chains. The impact of technology has exposed participants in the market to global markets that previously were beyond their reach. This paper discusses the key capabilities required to manage change in an organisation that operates as a collaborative organisation in an ever-changing business environment. These capabilities are identified and presented in the context of understanding how a “successful” organisation operates, and the key factors to consider when change is implemented in an organisation. In conclusion, the key capabilities should be managed through a business engineering framework to ensure optimal benefit for the organisation.
In die afgelope paar jaar het tegnologie groot veranderings teweeggebring vir
organisasies oor die manier waarop hulle besigheid doen in hul onderskeie
waardekettings. Die impak van tegnologie het selfs veroorsaak dat markspelers
blootgestel word aan globale markte wat voorheen buite hulle bereik was. Die artikel
beskryf ’n aantal sleutelvermoëns waaroor organisasies moet beskik om in hierdie
snel-veranderde omgewing te oorleef. Hierdie vermoëns word beskryf binne die
konteks van ’n suksesvolle onderneming, asook die faktore wat in ag geneem moet
word wanneer verandering in die organisasie bekend gestel word. Ter afsluiting moet
hierdie vermoëns bestuur word binne ’n besigheidsingenieurswese-raamwerk om
optimale voordeel vir die maatskappy te lewer.