Faculty research promotes environmental stewardship -- New deputy dean appointed for the Faculty -- Message from the Dean Prof Darrell Abernethy -- Skills Laboratory quite an attraction at RuVASA congress -- SAVC accreditation team revisits Faculty -- OP collaborates on herbivore health -- Faculty hosts special doctoral degree celebration -- What Works with Worms -- IVF lab on track -- Strengthening international networking -- Seventh LINQED educational network
workshop 2015 -- Reaching for a young girl’s dream -- Faculty's HR Department restructured -- New staff members for the Department of Paraclinical Sciences -- Open education resource work session held for regional veterinary deans -- Instructional designer completes doctoral degree -- Veterinary Pathology
specialist from Spain visits OP -- I want to save lives one day -- SYMCO -- Spinnekop, the adopted little lamb -- IVSA -- Postgraduate Student Association
putting itself on the map -- The Expertis – MSD Animal Health Feedlot School -- Nguni cattle development launch -- Building a bridge between South Africa and the Indian Ocean region -- Makling waves at the Dolphin National Championships -- Milk laboratory helps countless cows and farmers -- OP delivers bride of the year -- OP News Crossword Puzzle -- An unforgettable experience