Development and testing of a wireless controlled car using the internet as communication medium

Show simple item record Lubbe, Andre J. Kluge, P. 2008-07-16T07:20:28Z 2008-07-16T07:20:28Z 2008-05
dc.description.abstract Recent innovations in wireless networking technology have brought low cost, high bandwidth and low latency communication to the consumer. Apart from the standard use of connecting computers to the Internet, the new wireless networks also offer the possibility of sending a combination of two-way video, audio and control signals almost instantaneous between any two places in the world. This paper provides an overview of the techniques and software integration necessary to develop a mechatronic device that can be controlled remotely through remote controlled vehicle, was developed and successfully tested to demonstrate the integration of motion control with live video feedback through the Internet. en
dc.description.abstract AFRIKAANS: Die onlangse vooruitgang in draadlose netwerktegnologie het laekoste, hoëbandwydte en lae tydsvertragingkommunikasie binne bereik van die gebruiker geplaas. Behalwe die standaardgebruik om rekenaars aan die Internet te verbind, bied die nuwe draadlose netwerke ook die vermoë om tweerigting-video, oudio- en beheerseine feitlik oombliklik tussen enige twee plekke op aarde te stuur. Hierdie artikel veskaf 'n oorsig oor die tegnieke en rekenaarprogramintegrasie wat nodig is om 'n megatronikatoestel te ontwikkel wat deur afstandsbeheer oor die beskikbare draadlose netwerke beheer kan word. 'n Prototipe megatronikatoestel, in die vorm van 'n afstandbeheerde voertuig, is ontwikkel en suksesvol getoets om die integrasie van bewegingsbeheer en intydse videoterugvoer deur die Internet te demonstreer.
dc.format.extent 407474 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Lubbe, AJ, & Kluge, P 2008, 'Development and testing of a wireless controlled car using the internet as communication medium', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 137-147. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.subject Wireless networking technology en
dc.subject Audio and control signals en
dc.subject Mechatronic en
dc.subject Integration of motion control en
dc.subject Live video feedback through the Internet en
dc.subject.lcsh Wireless communication systems
dc.subject.lcsh Wireless Internet
dc.subject.lcsh Mechatronics
dc.subject.lcsh Motion control devices
dc.title Development and testing of a wireless controlled car using the internet as communication medium en
dc.type Article en

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