Veterinary students often struggle to understand reproductive physiology, due to the large variation between species regarding regulation of estrous cycles.
An interactive on-line module on the comparative biology of the estrous cycle of the cow, sow, mare, bitch and queen was developed for pre-graduate veterinary students. The aim of this e-learning module was to improve the students’ knowledge by providing insight into hormonal changes during the estrous cycle in domestic animal species and differences in the regulation of the estrous cycle between species. The e-learning module was complementary to lectures and seminars. The e-learning course consisted of three main sections. Each section included interactive modules, integrated video clips, clinical instruction movies, interactive graphics and quizzes with immediate feedback. The first section provided insight into general cross-species principles of hormones, the regulation of these hormones, their role in the estrous cycle and their effect on the reproductive organs. In the species-specific chapters of the first section, students had to actively simulate the hormonal changes during the cycle. Section two addressed physical examination of reproductive organs in relation to the estrous cycle. Section three contained representative clinical case studies.
The e-learning course was evaluated in a survey. Of the responding students (n=193), 6% did spend < 3 hours, 27% 3 hours, and 67% >3 hours on the e-learning course. They indicated a significant effect in understanding the estrous cycles of the species. The majority of these students preferred the e-learning course above lectures or seminars, recommended its use to others and expected to use the module in the postgraduate program.
Poster presented at the 5th International Veterinary Simulation in Teaching Conference, 10-12 April 2017, held at the Intundla Conference Venue, Pretoria, South Africa.