A set of new primary care focused practicals were introduced for 4th year students in the
Clinical Skills Laboratory. The aims were to focus on procedures that students will routinely
undertake during work-placements and clinical rotations and to build upon the core skills
taught in the preceding year.
The procedures were selected from suggestions made by employers, graduates and
students and included:
• Otoscopic examination
• Ophthalmic examination including direct ophthalmoscopy, Schirmer tear test and
application of eye drops
• Dermatology: skin scrape, tape strip and Diff Quick stain of slides
• Dentistry: ultrasonic scaling, dental charts and making a basic dental model
• Intermediate level suturing techniques: cruciate, intradermal and Aberdeen knot
A range of models and instruction booklets were developed. This included an ocular model
from Bristol Medical Pro Limited and an ear made from Tubigrip and plastic piping. Fruit was
also utilized e.g. an eyelid cut into a lime, that simulated tear flow. The dental scaling model
was based on Lumbis et al.1
with input from the School of Oral and Dental Sciences,
University of Bristol.
In each practical, groups of 30 students visited stations during a 90 minute period. Feedback
was gathered using Post-it® notes. Student comments were overwhelmingly positive with
the sessions being considered ‘enjoyable’ and ‘helpful’. The value of using models prior to
exposure to live animals was highlighted, while spending time making the basic dental
model was seen as ‘therapeutic’. Some students requested more time, particularly for
suturing. Future development of the clinical skills practicals will include modifying the set-up
of some practicals to maximize the time available for teaching.
Lumbis, R; Gregory, S; Baillie, S. Evaluation of a dental model for training veterinary
students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2012, p. 128-135.
Poster presented at the 5th International Veterinary Simulation in Teaching Conference, 10-12 April 2017, held at the Intundla Conference Venue, Pretoria, South Africa.