Maximus gets a new nose after a unique operation -- Prof John Skinner honoured by Wits -- From the Desk of the Dean -- Second World Conference on veterinary education / by Prof M van Vuuren -- Commemorative postage stamp for veterinary medicine -- Mamelodi Animal Health Clinic opens its doors to the public -- I want to be a veterinarian -- Umfundi kwaHiuvukani -- OPJ is officially online -- Quality at the Faculty of Veterinary Science -- Knowledge of toxicology can save the planet -- Cyanotoxin workshop hosted by Paraclinical Sciences -- Equine Internship Programme bids doctors farewell -- Small-scale farmers' project showcases its success -- Colloquium on zoonoses and neglected infectious diseases in Africa -- Stydents attend a darting course to raise funds -- Norway:
a presentation on high-impact diseases -- Vets in Vienna -- PGSA approaches 2011 with renewed energy -- Pet's picnic in the park -- OP students visit Le Croc -- EspanJOL 2011 -- Running for puppies with parvo!