The production of immunity against Cl. welchii type B, Wilsdon. (The "Lamb dysentery bacillus")

Show simple item record Mason, J.H.
dc.contributor.editor Du Toit, P.J. 2017-04-19T11:45:37Z 2017-04-19T11:45:37Z 2017 1935
dc.description The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590;300dpi. adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract l. The total antitoxin binding value of a toxoid of Cl. welchii, Type B (the "lamb dysentery bacillus") has a direct bearing on its immunizing capacity. The more antitoxin a toxoid binds, the greater is the degree of immunity produced by it. 2. Atoxic toxoid, rendered slightly toxic by the addition of the toxins of Cl. welchii, Types A or B proved superior as an antigen to the toxoid itself. The addition of the toxin of Cl. septique did not increase the immunizing value of toxoids. 3. The intravenous injection of 4-6 sub-lethal doses of Type B toxin, within 4-5 hours may so immunize a guinea-pig that it resists a fatal dose of toxin 24 hours later. 4. Alum-precipitated toxoids proved, on the whole, inferior as antigens to the toxoids, themselves. The addition of agar, colloidal iron and saponin to toxoids did not increase their immunizing power. 5. The washed zinc chloride precipitates of toxoids proved superior as antigens to the toxoids themselves. The solubility of the precipitate appears to have a direct bearing on the degree of immunity produced. 6. Washed living or washed boiled suspensions of Type B bacilli (free from demonstrable toxin) stimulated the formation of antitoxin when injected into goats and guinea-pigs. 7. Washed suspensions of Type B bacilli, heated at 60⁰ C, for half-an-hour, contain a toxic material, not neutralizable by anti-toxin. en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Mason, JH 1935, 'The production of immunity against Cl. welchii Type B, Wilsdon. (The " Lamb dysentery bacillus")’, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, vol. 5,no. 2, pp. 391-416. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0330-2465
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Pretoria : Government Printer en_ZA
dc.rights ©South Africa, Dept. of Agricultural Technical Services (original). ©University of Pretoria, Dept. of Library Services (digital). en_ZA
dc.subject Veterinary medicine en_ZA
dc.subject.lcsh Veterinary medicine -- South Africa
dc.title The production of immunity against Cl. welchii type B, Wilsdon. (The "Lamb dysentery bacillus") en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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