I. Two of the main Senecio species responsible for "breadpoisoning" in human beings in the Cape South-Western districts, viz., S. ilicifolius Thunb. and S. rosmarinifolius Linn., have been
chemically examined for their toxic principles.
II. From S. ilicifolius Thunb. a known alkaloid, Senecionine,
C₁₈H₂₅O₅N, previously isolated by other workers from S. vulgaris,
S. viscosus, S. squalidus and S. aureus, has been obtained.
III. Senecionine is a stable alkaloid with m.p. 232° and very
sparingly soluble in water. The alkaloid will not be destroyed during
the baking of bread from flour of contaminated wheat.
IV. S. rosmarinifolius Linn. contains a new alkaloid for which
the name "Rosmarinine" is proposed. It has the formula
C₁₈H₂₇O₆N, the melting-point 208°, it is extremely bitter and very
sparingly soluble in water. It must be considered a dangerous
poison when wheat becomes contaminated with S. rosmarinifolius or
when animals graze on this plant.
V. Rosmarinine has a specific rotation of -120.0° in chloroform
and -94.0° in ethanol. Its nitrate has a melting-point of 218°C. and
a specific rotation of -91.5° in water.
VI. As a result of this chemical investigation and the nature
of the toxic principles, the author urges the complete eradication of
these Senecio plants which unfortunately occur very abundantly.
This is considered the only remedy to prevent human deaths due to
"bread-poisoning" and animal losses from chronic liver-cirrhosis.