The investigations on Theileria parva infection of cattle revealed : (1) That bilirubinaemia did occur, the highest figure for plasma bilirubin
being 12 v. d. Bergh units.
(2) That the yellow staining of the fat is due to the combined effect of
carotinoids and bilirubin.
(3) That the intensity of the yellow colour of the plasma is in part due
to carotinoids, a normal constituent of the blood of cattle, especially if they
be fed on food containing carotinoids.
(4) That there is a definite rise in the concentration of coproporphyrin in
the faeces and urine. Such a rise, however, does not necessarily mean that
there is an increase in the total amount excreted as the rise may be due
to the decrease in the amount of faeces passed as a result of the disease.