1. In all the cases of bilirubinaemia examined, whether the animals
suffered from canine piroplasmosis or hepatic disturbances abnormal amounts
of bilirubin were excreted in the urines.
2. Haemoglobin was frequently present in the urine of dogs suffering
from piroplasmosis. The highest concentration of haemoglobin found was
799 mg. per 100 c.c. urine. No haemoglobin could be detected in the urines
of dogs suffering from hepatic disturbances.
3. The plasma bilirubin of the piroplasmosis cases gave an indirect v. d.
Bergh reaction whereas that of the hepatic disturbance cases gave the direct
reaction with the v. d. Bergh reagent. The highest plasma bilirubin figure
obtained was 53 v. d. Bergh units in a case of canine piroplasmosis.
4. In the piroplasmosis cases an increase in bilirubin was accompanied
by a decrease in haemoglobin in the blood, whereas in the hepatic disturbance
cases there was no decrease of the blood haemoglobin, the bilirubin in the
plasma being due to retention and not to haemolysis.