dc.description.abstract |
1. Previous work, that has led up to the present knowledge of artificial
insemination of birds, is reviewed.
2. The technique of intraperitoneal insemination in pigeons and fowls is
described. Data collected on-
(a) 62 intraperitoneal inseminations with 21 control matings of pigeons:
(b) the first 117 intraperitoneal inseminations with 33 control inseminations
or matings of fowls, which included 3421 "Hen-days" of
observation before and after the operation, as well as 978 "Hen-days"
of observation before and after the control inseminations or matings,
showed the following results :-
(1) The egg-production of the female birds was not seriously affected,
but in the case of fowls it was temporarily inhibited after the
operations, similar to the results of the artificial insemination
by other methods (controls). A characteristic notch in the curve
of recovery is reported and an explanation suggested.
(2) The health of females was not affected by the operations, although
under unfavourable conditions a few deaths from peritonitis
(3) In fowls and pigeons the onset of fertility was usually immediate,
i.e. the first ovum to be liberated after the operation was as a
rule fertile if fertility was produced at all.
(4) The length of the period of fertility in the fowl was similar to
that reported by other workers after separation of the cocks
from the hens, but the average length of the period in the 45
consecutive cases of fertility tested for duration (10•78 days)
was slightly less than in the thirteen control cases fertilized after
coitus or artificial insemination per vaginam (13•85 days). The
maximum duration (25 days) however, exceeded by three days
the maximum recorded locally in controls, although the
maximum reported in the literature, 32-34 days, (Crew, 1926;
Nalbandov and Card, 1943; Barfurth, 1896) was not attained.
(5 ) The number of eggs fertilized from one injection in the fowl
(4•78), showed an average figure below that of the control cases
(6•69), in which other methods of insemination had been employed
but the maximum on record (fourteen eggs; Nicolaides, 1934)
was exceeded in three out of the 46 cases tested: Sixteen fertile
eggs were obtained once and fifteen twice. In the thirteen
control cases the number of eleven fertile eggs was the maximum.
(6) The percentage of fertility of fowl eggs laid during the period
between 24 hours after injection of semen and the laying of the
last fertile egg in the 46 cases tested, was slightly higher (82•7
per cent.) than in the fertile control cases (82•0 per cent.).
(7) The decline in percentage of eggs fertile after the middle of the
fertile period in fowls was only barely detectable in the cases
of intraperitoneal insemination, whereas in the control cases, it
amounted to a 50 per cent. drop (Table 26). Fertility during the
second half of the fertile period was considerably higher after
intraperitoneal insemination than after other methods tested. (64
per cent. against 44 per cent.). The fertile periods of different
lengths showed no difference in fertility following intraperitoneal
insemination (Table 25).
(8) The percentage of inseminations proved fertile in fowls was
measurably higher after intraperitoneal inseminations than after
insemination per vaginam.
(9) The hatchability of fowl eggs after intraperitoneal insemination
did not as a rule differ from that found after other methods of
obtaining fertility, except that in several individual cases chicks
were hatched from eggs laid a few days later after the day of
introduction of the fertilizing semen into the hen, viz.: Twenty fourth
day twice, twenty-first day once and the twentieth day
thrice, than had been recorded in the Literature (nineteenth day:
Nalbandov and Card, 1943).
(10) The number of chicks hatched from one intraperitoneal insemination
reached a maximum of thirteen, with an average of 3•3 in
the 36 consecutive cases in which hatchings were recorded. In
the 12 control cases the maximum was seven and the average
1•7 chicks.
(11) In fowls the seasonal influences on the results were strikingly
absent, under the given conditions; but the results on hens kept
indoors, showed a decreased fertility, which was slightly compensated
for by a better hatchability of the fertile eggs collected
(12) Effects of breed, age (or conformation), on previous production
and on previous insemination in fowls show that
(a) fertility was better in birds of the " heavy " than in birds
of the "light" breeds, but this lower fertility in the "light"
hens was compensated for to some extent by a larger number
of chicks obtained per dozen fertile eggs incubated;
(b) second-year hens performed better than pullets in respect
of the number of inseminations followed by fertility and
hatchings and in percentage fertility, but pullets showed
better hatchability and duration of fertility;
(c) birds with a production of over 60 per cent. in the ten days
prior to intraperitoneal insemination showed all round
superior results over birds with a production below 60 per
cent.; but the lower fertility of birds with a less than 60 per
cent. previous production was again partly compensated for by
higher hatchability. The egg-production of the higher producers
was more seriously affected.
(13) The influence of the instruments used for the intraperitoneal
operation was variable in respect of egg-production and incubation
results, viz.: as far as the shape of the penetrating instruments
was concerned, those with less adverse influence on
production: "blunt" and "fine" needles, were followed by
incubation results inferior to the results from the use of "sharp"
and "coarse" instruments.
The contact between semen and metal parts was shown to
be a factor grossly implicated in the selection of instruments for
the intraperitoneal insemination technique. The elimination of
metal from the syringes used, was highly favourable to the incubation
results, but the wax-coating of the metal needles showed
no marked benefit.
The contrast between the positive correlation between fertility
and hatchability percentages in connection with factors concerning
the semen and the negative correlation between the fertility and
hatchability encountered in connection with factors concerning
solely the hen is submitted for further investigation.
The conclusion is reached that all-glass (non-metal)
instruments with passages of a relatively wide lumen (e.g. 1
mm.), and with blunt penetrating ends, were most suitable for
the technique of intraperitoneal insemination. Two special
instruments evolved viz.: (a) an all-glass syringe with long: glass
nozzle (rather fragile) and (b) a modified "Holborn" sheep
inseminator made to fit an all-glass insulin syringe, are described.
(14) The best site for performing the operation in the fowl was a
point on the abdominal wall, at the anterior border of the left
pubic bone at the ventral border of the superficial muscles that
pass over its posterior process. In pigeons the obturator fossa
was the site of choice in view of the greater extent of the
lateral air-sac.
(15) The optimum depth of penetration from the best site was 6•0
cm. for smaller hens (e.g., White Leghorn pullets) and 8•0 cm.
for larger birds.
(16) The optimum direction of penetration was in a plane parallel to
the backbone in an antero-medial direction at a ratio of 2:1,
i.e.: 6•0 cm. forward for every 3•0 cm. in a medial direction.
3. Observations were made on 1,163 collections of pigeon semen of which
805 were made by means of a new technique whereby excitable birds could be
more satisfactorily controlled. The method was a modification of that described
by Burrows and Quinn (1935) as adapted to pigeons by Owen (1941).
The methods of semen collection from male fowls by fixing a receptacle to
a male cloaca during coitus (Parker 1939) and by manual ejaculation (Burrows and
Quinn 1935, 1937) were carried out, and a new modification of the latter evolved,
by which 292 consecutive collections were executed of which 98•6 per cent.
were successful. An average of 0-45 c.c. semen per collection was obtained
by this method including the primary failures, and no assistance was required
for the holding of the birds or the semen receptacles. A wire leg-holder for the
control of birds without assistance was evolved.
(a) The semen of pigeons had a density of approximately 2 million sperms
per c.mm. when collected with a pipette direct from the vent. The volume
obtained averaged 0•005 c.c. A relatively small number of racing homer pigeons
proved to be good semen producers. There was a very large variation between
individual birds and separate collections. One bird produced markedly pathological
spermatozoa for a time.
(b) The semen of fowls was measured, examined and tested during all
seasons in the first, third and fourth series of inseminations, using a variety of
males which supplied semen with-
(1) an average volume of 0•45 c.c. per .collection;
(2) a viscosity which varied in different males and in the same male at
different collections, from a watery semen to a thick oily semen,
estimated to run 0•25 times as fast as water through a glass tube of
0•2 mm. bore at room temperature;
(3) the colour of pure semen was as a rule ivory white;
(4) the percentage of samples soiled varied in different males to average
about one quarter, when untrained males were included;
(5) motility in fresh samples at room temperature was almost 100 per
cent. progressive in all samples tested.
(6) The estimated density of the samples varied between one million
and 5•5 million sperms per c.mm. but in the small number of samples
checked by haemocytometer counts, the density was found to be usually
higher than the rough estimate from semen smears, 7•9 million per
c.mm. being the maximum counted. Two samples counted by the
technique of milk-" Breed "-clump-counts, showed a figure of 8•5
(7) the pH measurements on semen by the "B.D.H. Capillator" gave
readings of 7•1 to 7•4. Accurate determinations with "Beckman's pH
meter" gave readings of 7•0 to 7•4;
(8) morphological abnormalities were very rarely observed and only
occurred in large numbers in the semen samples from a very young
cockerel and a relatively infertile but not sterile cock. The most
striking abnormality noticed was the curled up head which was often
also seen in semen samples aged in vitro.
(9) the fertilizing qualities of semen samples were tested in a total of 220
intraperitoneal inseminations and 71 control matings and inseminations
on 81 hens used in the first, third and fourth series of inseminations
with the following results: -
(i) The fertility of semen samples inseminated by the intraperitoneal
method was higher for most males, than from samples
introduced into the vagina, and the duration and percentage
hatchability in the largest group (cock No. 6 Table 48), was also
higher for intraperitoneal insemination.
(ii) Larger doses of semen were followed by better fertility and a
fertile period of longer duration. (Table 49.)
(iii) The samples of semen subjected to storage and dilution gave a
markedly lower fertility than fresh samples (Tables 51 and 52)
although storage up to 2 hours under liquid paraffin had little
(iv) The results of insemination with mixed samples of semen were
often inferior to those with pure separate semen and provided
some evidence that a mixed semen sample tends to be reduced
to the quality of the poorest of its components, rather than that
the poor quality of a given sample of semen can be offset by
admixture with semen of better quality. Except in two isolated
instances in the third series of inseminations all the chicks hatched
from each insemination with a mixed sample of semen, were the
progeny of only one of the males which contributed semen to
the sample.
(v) Simultaneous insemination with different samples of semen, with
different instruments by the intraperitoneal method had results
in agreement with the findings mentioned earlier: -
(i) Deposition of the semen in the region of the ovary was more
successful in producing fertility, than deposition in the
posterior peritoneal cavity near the point of entry, irrespective
of which was the larger dose.
(ii) The coarse needle was more favourable to successful
insemination than the fine needle (Table 56).
(iii) Pure semen produced fertility although injected through a
fine needle, whereas mixed semen injected through a
coarse needle into the same bird at the same time, failed
(Table 57) to be successful.
(vi) Insemination with different samples of semen by the various
methods showed that-
(i) the fertilizing quality of semen was more important than
the route of introduction in determining which of two kinds
of sperm would gain the advantage in the competition for
fertilization of ova when present in the hen at the same time
(table 58);
(ii) the same was true in respect of the doses of semen used,
unless smaller doses than 0 •1 c.c. were given;
(iii) the superior fertilizing quality of a given semen sample,
was lost on admixture with a sample of indifferent quality.
4. Storage of fowl spermatozoa in vivo in the body of the fertile hen was
studied by examinations made on thirty-three hens during the first, third and
fourth series of inseminations. A new technique was evolved whereby sperm cells
could be picked up from serous and mucous surfaces by means of capillary
action of small, very fine, glass tubes.
(1) The lumen of the infundibulum was the only locality where spermatozoa
were demonstrated in a morphologically normal and progressively motile
state, during the period 3 to 14 days (72 to 336 hours) following insemination by
various methods.
(2) The discovery of sperm concentrations contained in the mucosa of the
chalaziferous region in the infundibulum in one hen eight days after intraperitoneal
insemination has been confirmed by demonstration of similar structures
containing sperm in two hens four and six days after natural copulation and
separation from the male.
(3) The term "Spermnests" has been proposed for this structure and the
significance of this finding is discussed. |
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