The focus of this study was to develop a strategy for sustainable digitisation of the Buganda kingdom special collections at Makerere University Library, Uganda. A number of questions were formulated to guide the researcher in finding answers to the research question.
A literature review based on the research sub-questions was carried out. The review covered the approaches used when planning digitisation projects. These included the selection criteria, processes and technology requirements for digitising archival materials, resource requirements for sustainable digitisation initiatives, skills and competencies, possible framework for digitising archival materials, an overview of the Buganda Kingdom collection as well as the current digitisation equipment available at the Makerere University Library.
The study took a qualitative approach with a case study design. This was due to the need to collect in-depth and detailed views and experiences regarding digitisation projects. A purposive sampling technique was used to identify three institutions, located within the Kampala area, which are actively involved in digitisation of collections. Data were collected, using semi structured interviews, from three participants; one from each institution. The participants were selected because of their knowledge about digitisation and semi-structured interviews were preferred due to their flexibility.
An interview schedule was used as the data collection instrument. Data was transcribed into Microsoft Word and later entered into Microsoft excel for easy analysis.
For ethical considerations, the researcher obtained clearance from the University of Pretoria and sought the consent of the participants before data were collected.
Findings that answered the research question and sub-questions were presented and interpreted in chapter four and conclusions as were well recommendations discussed in detail in chapter five of this research report