Guiding the development of enterprise design approaches

Show simple item record De Vries, Marne 2016-11-29T05:34:21Z 2016-11-29T05:34:21Z 2016-11
dc.description Presented at the 27th annual conference of the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE), held from 27-29 October 2016 at Stonehenge in Africa, North West, South Africa en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Enterprise engineering (EE) is an emerging discipline that aims to address several phenomena in the evolution of an enterprise. Previous research highlighted a particular phenomenon that requires more research - i.e., the inability of the enterprise as a complex socio-technical system to adapt swiftly to rapidly-changing environments. Although there are numerous theoretical design approaches (with their own methodologies, frameworks, and modelling languages), there is little empirical evidence about their effectiveness. Furthermore, research indicates that multiple enterprise design approaches are used concurrently in industry, with each approach focusing on a sub-set of stakeholder concerns. The proliferating design approaches do not necessarily explicate their conditional use in terms of contextual prerequisites and demarcated design scope; and this also impairs their evaluation. This article provides guidance for the construction of design approaches that will enable researchers to contribute to the systematic growth of the EE knowledge base. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Ondernemingsingenieurswese (OI) is 'n opkomende dissipline wat fokus op fenomene wat verband hou met die evolusie van die onderneming. Vorige navorsing het getoon dat een spesifieke fenomeen addisionele navorsing benodig, naamlik die onvermoeë van die onderneming as 'n komplekse sosio-tegniese stelsel, om aan te pas by 'n dinamies-veranderende omgewing. Alhoewel veelvuldige teoretiese ontwerpbenaderings bestaan (insluitende metodologieë, raamwerke en modelleringstale), is daar 'n gebrek aan empiriese bewyse rakende hul effektiwiteit. Verder toon navorsing dat maatskappye gewoonlik gebruikmaak van 'n kombinasie van ondernemingsontwerpsbenaderings wat elkeen op 'n ander stel belange fokus. Nuwe ontwerpsbenaderings dui egter nie altyd hul beperkte en voorwaardelike bruikbaarheid aan in terme van konteks en omvang nie, en hul evaluasie word derhalwe bemoeilik. Hierdie artikel voorsien riglyne aan navorsers vir die konstruksionele ontwerp van nuwe ontwerpsbenaderings om sodoende die sistematiese ontwikkeling van die OI kennisbasis aan te moedig. en_ZA
dc.description.department Industrial and Systems Engineering en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2016 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation De Vries, M 2016, 'Guiding the development of enterprise design approaches', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 12-22. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2224-7890 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.7166/27-3-1621
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en_ZA
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. en_ZA
dc.subject Evolution en_ZA
dc.subject Enterprise en_ZA
dc.subject Evolusie en_ZA
dc.subject onderneming en_ZA
dc.subject Enterprise engineering (EE) en_ZA
dc.subject Ondernemingsingenieurswese (OI) en_ZA
dc.title Guiding the development of enterprise design approaches en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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