1952 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 25, Number 3 & 4, 1952

1952 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 25, Number 3 & 4, 1952


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 25: Number 3

Babesia thomasi Sp. Nov., an intra-erythrocytic parasite of the Cape dassie [Procavia capensis (Pallas)] Jansen, BC 3

Tuberculosis in man, an animal health problem Fourie, PJJ 7

A rapid economical method for accurate determination of the percentage packed cells in a bacterial suspension Van Drimmelen, GC 39

Comparative study of the content of starch and sugars of Tribulus terrestris, Lucerne, some Gramineae and Pentzia incana under different meteorological, edaphic and physiological conditions. Paper no. 2 - Carbohydrate nutrition Henrici, M 45

Defluorination of aqueous solutions of superphosphate for use in animal nutrition Truter, GJ & Louw, JG 93

Volume 25: Number 4

The occurence of some hitherto undescribed Leucocytozoon and Haemoproteus species in South African birds Jansen, BC 3

The occurrence of Eperythrozoon parvum Splitter, 1950 in South African swine Jansen, BC 5

Comparative electrophoretic studies of bovine and human colostrum in relation to neonatal immunity Polson, A 7

Changes in the electrophoretic pattern of sera of dogs suffering from various diseases Polson, A & Malherbe, WD 13

The domestic pigeon as a possible carrier of Newcastle disease Kaschula, VR 25

Newcastle disease vaccination: the use of live virus after inactivated vaccine Kaschula, VR 29

Aureomycin in the treatment of heartwater Weiss, KE, Haig, DA & Alexander, RA 41

A note on the staining of bacterial capsules Sterne, M 51

The new synthetic insecticides as dressings tor blowfly strike in sheep Du Toit, R & Fiedler, OGH 53

The lethal effect of some insecticides on the B.H.C.-resistant blue tick, Boophilus decoloratus Koch Fiedler, OGH 65

Studies on the pharmacology and toxicology of Acovenoside A Clark, R 69

The influences of the nature of the diet and of starvation on the concentration curve of sulphanilamide in the blood of sheep after oral dosing Clark, R & Wessels, JJ 75

The effect of body stores and of method of supplementation on the efficiency of calcium and phosphorus utilization by sheep Reinach, N, Louw, JG & Groenewald, JW 85

The influence of processing on the efficiency of proteins Myburgh, SJ, Louw, JG & Groenewald, JW 93

The utilization of phosphorus from different sources by the rat Reinach, N & Louw, JG 99

Digestibility of lucerne hay with special reference to experimental technique in digestion trials (second report) Groenewald, JW, Myburgh, SJ & Louw, JG 105

A note on the alkaloid of Crotalaria damarensis Louw, PGJ 111

Chemical investigation of Pachystigma pygmaeum Schlechter (gousiektebossie) Veldsman, DP 113

Transvaalin, a cardiac glycoside isolated from Urginea burkei, Bkr. (Transvaal Slangkop) Louw, PGJ 123

Author index 135

Subject index 138

Recent Submissions

  • Louw, P.G.J.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    (1) A cardiac glycoside, transvaalin, with molecular formula C₃₆H₅₂O₁₃, was isolated from Urginea burkei Bkr. (2) Transvaalin has the typical raticidal properties of scilliroside when dosed per os or injected ...
  • Veldsman, D.P.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    Leaves and stems of the plant, Pachystigma pygmaeum (gousiektebossie), collected at Kaalfontein on 20th October, 1950, were subjected to a chemical investigation. Four crystalline substances were isolated: a lactone, ...
  • Groenewald, J.W.; Myburgh, S.J.; Louw, J.G.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    (1) In a continuation of the study of the digestibility of the same lucerne hay by the same steers at different times further evidence of a period influence on digestibility was obtained. This influence could be reduced ...
  • Reinach, Norman; Louw, J.G.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    An experiment has been carried out in which the relative availability to young rats of the phosphorus in bone meal, bone ash, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate has been ascertained. Live weight gains, the ash ...
  • Myburgh, S.J.; Louw, J.G.; Groenewald, J.W.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    Employing an improved nitrogen balance method the influence of mild heat treatment on the digestibility and biological value of a mixture of plant proteins has been determined. The heat treatment resulted in a small ...
  • Reinach, Norman; Louw, J.G.; Groenewald, J.W.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    (1) The Ca and P metabolism of two groups of young sheep, depleted of these minerals, was investigated in a series of three balance studies. (2) During the first 10 days on the bone meal supplemented ration, the inorganic ...
  • Clark, R.; Wessels, J.J.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    It has been shown that the concentration curve of sulphanilamide in the blood of sheep after oral dosing is profoundly influenced by the basic diet and by starvation. In view of this and other similar findings, it is ...
  • Clark, R.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    It has been shown that Acovenoside A. is a typical cardio-active glycoside in both its pharmacological and toxicological actions. It is highly cumulative. either materially or functionally, and by prolonged action can ...
  • Fiedler, O.G.H.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    D.D.T. and its related compounds seem to be the only group of the new contact insecticides against which the blue tick has not been able to build up any resistance. Toxaphene as well as Parathion are definitely less ...
  • Du Toit, R.; Fiedler, O.G.H.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    1. The more recent literature on the blowfly problem in South Africa is reviewed and the general conclusions regarding control measures discussed. 2. The larvicidal properties of a number of the new synthetic insecticides for ...
  • Sterne, Max; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    The efficiency of Muir's capsule stain could be much increased by adding a surface-active agent (CTAB) to the primary carbol-fuchsin stain, and by using 0•1 per cent. alkaline methylene blue as a counter stain. Heating ...
  • Louw, P.G.J.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
  • Anonymous; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
  • Anonymous; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
  • Weiss, K.E.; Haig, D.A.; Alexander, R.A.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    1. The value of aureomycin in the treatment of heartwater has been established. It is considerably more effective than the sulphonamides. 2. The minimal therapeutic dose for sheep appears to be 2•5 mg. per lb. administered ...
  • Kaschula, V.R.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    The use is described of Beaudette's Roakin strain live virus intra-ocularly on fowls previously vaccinated with an aluminium hydroxide adsorbed formalinized chick embryo vaccine. Good response to this combination was ...
  • Kaschula, V.R.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    When virus was dosed per os with virulent Newcastle disease virus and daily examinations were made of virus in their pooled faeces, virus was recovered on the 12th day. No H.I antibodies were produced. The challenge ...
  • Polson, A.; Malherbe, W.D.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    The sera of dogs suffering from three diseases commonly encountered in South Africa, viz. babesiosis, rickettsiosis and distemper, have been examined electrophoretically and compared with normal sera. Diagrams of the ...
  • Polson, A.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    Since there is no reason to doubt the generally accepted conception that the concentration of ƴ globulins is an accurate index of humoral immunity, it may be concluded that in bovines there is no transplacental ...
  • Jansen, B.C.; Alexander, R.A.; Clark, R.; Louw, J.G.; De Kock, V.E. (Published by The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1952)
    (1) The presence of Eperythrozoon parvum in a splenectomised pig at Onderstepoort is recorded. (2) Preliminary studies on the transmission of this parasite suggest that Haematopinus suis may be a vector.

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