1954 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 26, Number 3 & 4, 1954

1954 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 26, Number 3 & 4, 1954


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 26: Number 3

Trypanosomiasis in Zululand and the control of tsetse flies by chemical means Du Toit, R 317

The influence of the tsetse fly eradication campaign on the breeding activity of Glossinae and their parasites in Zululand Fiedler, OGH, Du Toit, R & Kluge, EB 389

The parasites of tsetse flies in Zululand with special reference to the influence of the hosts upon them Fiedler, OGH & Kluge, EB 399

The protection of sheep against blowfly strike. II. The influence of the length of wool at the time of treatment on the duration of protection Du Toit, R & Fiedler, OGH 405

The protection of sheep against blowfly strike. III. The effect of different formulations of gamma benzene hexachloride (B.H.C.) Fiedler, OGH & Du Toit, R 409

A new African lousefly, Raymondia hardyi sp. n. (Streblidae, Pupipara) Fiedler, OGH 427

The effect of Lindane vapour on stored product insects Fiedler, OGH & Du Toit, R 431

Tick survey. VIII. Checklists of ticks recorded from the Belgian Congo and Ruanda Urundi, from Angola, and from Northern Rhodesia Theiler, G & Robinson, BN 447

The identity of so-called Paramphistomum cervi and P. explanatum, two common species of ruminant trematodes in South Africa Swart, PJ 463

Volume 26: Number 4

Isolation in mice and embryonated hen's eggs of a virus associated with vaginitis of cattle McIntosh, BM, Haig, DA & Alexander, RA 479

Studies on the comparative actions of carbamylcholine, physostigmine and neostigmine in different species of domestic animals Clark, R & Weiss, KE 485

Studies in comparative neuropathology. I. Gliomas of the domestic fowl: their pathology with special reference to histogenesis and pathogenesis; and their relationship to other diseases Jackson, C 501

Studies on the histopathology and pathogenesis of Newcastle disease of fowls in South Africa, with special reference to the lymphoid tissue. A preliminary report De Kock, G 599

Author index 631

Subject index 634

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