This study critically discusses the issue surrounding the transport department of S.A from 1994 to 2015 looking at the performance. The study has recognised that transport is a crucial catalyst for economic development. Several studies have looked at this research topic and they figured out some of the issues that are hindering development on department of transport (DOT) and their recommendations were that the government should significantly invest in rail transport to reduce pressure on road transport. Another study also came up with that strategy of traffic calming to reduce the volume of speed on cars. Studies figured out that factors like congestion, safety, health issues and drunk driving as challenges that are driving affecting the smooth operation of the department. The recommendation of this study among others is that the department speed of refurbishing and constructing roads. In addition stop and goes along the road should be minimised through quick projects construction to avoid traffic congestion and road accidents. Since transport plays a major role in the tourism sector which in turn contributes immensely to economic growth, South Africa should improve the roads that leads to tourist destinations. The transport department should also refurbish and construct roads that goes to different rural parts of the country as this will create employment and reduce the rural to urban migration.
Paper presented at the 35th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 4-7 July 2016 "Transport ? a catalyst for socio-economic
growth and development opportunities to improve quality of life", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.