The Hebrew Bible is quoted and alluded to in 4QInstruction. There is an obvious similarity
between the way the raz nihyeh of 4QInstruction and Lady Wisdom in Proverbs 8 function.
This intertextual study investigates this phenomenon by comparing 4Q416 2 III 8–21 and
4Q417 1 I with Proverbs 8:12–21 and 8:22–31. It is concluded that apocalyptic influence changed
the character of Lady Wisdom but not her essential function.
This research is part of the
project, `Old Testament
Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha
and Qumran Texts Studies’
directed by Prof. Pieter
Venter, Emeritus Professor,
Department of Old Testament
Studies, Faculty of Theology,
University of Pretoria.