Teresa of Avila, writing in the 16th century when ideas of holiness often excluded women and
lay people, developed a radically inclusive understanding of holiness as friendship with
Christ. Her idea also allowed for degrees of holiness, from those who completed only the
necessary church requirements of confession and absolution all the way up to those who had
a friendship that was modelled upon the relationship in the Song of Songs. It was a definition
of holiness applicable to men and women, clergy, members of religious orders, and lay people.
In addition, her understanding of holiness did not distinguish the holiness of ordinary lay
people from that of the great saints of previous generations, for friendship with Christ was
open to all.
Prof. Dr Tara Soughers (PhD
candidate and Doctor of
Theology Fellowship) is part
of the research project,
‘Biblical Theology and
Hermeneutics – Ad Hoc
project ‘Holiness’, directed by
Prof Dr. Andries van Aarde,
professor emeritus and
senior research fellow in the
Faculty of Theology of the
University of Pretoria, South