Policies can address poverty, but policies are not a guarantee to eradicate poverty.
Many factors figure into the poverty policy scene. Government’s understanding
of poverty, the particular type of poverty and the environment will naturally
determine the nature of the policies. In some instances policies are blamed for
the failure to address poverty, but at the same time the type of poverty makes it
cumbersome for government to address all types of poverties with a single policy.
This article is going to take an overview of policies and poverty in a Southern
Africa context. Poverty remains one of the biggest challenges in Africa. The poorer
one is, the more difficult it is to escape poverty, despite the policy of government.
There are quite a number of different policies addressing poverty, but there still
seems to be a lack of a single holistic policy to address poverty in all its facets. The
question is whether the South African poverty policies are overly optimistic or is
poverty just too vast a problem.