Political parties in the East African integration process

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dc.contributor.author Baregu, M.
dc.contributor.author Ally, B.
dc.coverage.spatial Africa
dc.coverage.spatial East Africa
dc.date.accessioned 2016-11-07T08:17:27Z
dc.date.available 2016-11-07T08:17:27Z
dc.date.created 2016
dc.date.issued 2010
dc.description.abstract This article examines four models on the role of political parties in economic and political integration arrangements that have emerged historically. First is the US model in which all political parties in what is essentially a federal dispensation, large and small; old and new, have a national character although parties are not a part of the relevant federal American constitution. The second model is the European Union pattern in which political parties continue to be of a national rather than a federal cross-country character and play virtually no visible role in regional politics except in contesting for the European Parliament. The third is the Russian Federation model which is prescriptive and highly regulated to ensure that parties have a federal character to avoid the possibility of parochial nationalism. The fourth case, which is closer to home, is the Tanzanian model which emerged under conditions of political exigencies involving a revolution in Zanzibar and a military mutiny in Tanganyika. en_ZA
dc.format.extent 22 pages en_ZA
dc.format.medium Journal en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Baregu, M. and Ally, B. 2010. Political parties in the East African integration process. African Journal of Public Affairs, 3(1): 33-54. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1997-7441
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/57685
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher African Consortium of Public Administration en_ZA
dc.rights African Consortium of Public Administration © 2010 en_ZA
dc.subject Political parties en_ZA
dc.subject East African integration process en_ZA
dc.subject.lcsh Public administration--Africa
dc.title Political parties in the East African integration process en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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