This article contributes to a critical assessment of the concept of democracy and consensus
decision-making of the Bemba matrilineal governance system as a basis for a democratic
model of engagement in African politics from an African theological perspective. It is of the
opinion that assessing the concept of democracy by consensus decision-making of the Bemba
provides a dialogue between the African traditional governance systems as a viable form of
political governance ideal for multi-ethnic countries such as Zambia. This is a pinnacle of the
21st century debate which elaborates the important task of African Christian Theology in the
rehabilitation, or renovation process of politics of identity for an authentic governance system
with authentic African flavour for African governance systems.
Rev. Dr Simon Muwowo was a Doctoral student of Prof. Dr Vuyani Vellem, professor of Dogmatics and Christian Ethics, University
of Pretoria. This article is based on a dissertation written by the author as part of the fulfilment of the requirements for the PhD degree
at the University of Pretoria, completed in 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Dr Vellem.