This study titled The golden Jubilee year: Luke 4:16-30 amidst poverty in Zambia looks at responsible ways of interpreting biblical texts in impoverished faith communities. The research question this study seeks to address is: How can Luke 4:16-30 be social-scientifically read in the context of the golden Jubilee year amidst impoverished Christians in Zambia, and to what extent can a social-scientific reading of this text be developed? It is the view of this study that the method of interpretation plays a pivotal role when it comes to extracting transformational messages from the Bible.
In Chapter 2, a summary is given on how some selected scholars have interpreted and analysed Luke 4:16-30, using different lenses and approaches. This history of interpretation of Luke 4:16-30 will then be used to identify the research gap that will be addressed in the study.
In Chapter 3 a discussion on the meaning of social-scientific criticism (SSC), and an overview or description of social-scientific criticism is given. This description is necessary because it will be against this understanding of the approach that a reading of Luke 4:16-30 amidst poverty in Zambia in the year of golden Jubilee will be undertaken.
In Chapter 4 an analysis of Luke 4:16-30 is presented in order to uncover its possible original intended (contextual) meaning and purpose. This is done by discussing the socio-cultural-, economic- and political situation in which Jesus ministered. In order to achieve this, the study engages with social-scientific models and theories that are designed to unlock the meaning entrenched in ancient texts.
Chapter 5 provides an overview of the poverty situation in Zambia. The Chapter paints a vivid picture of the poverty situation in Zambia, as well as its causes (i.e., geographical, economic, cultural and demographic). Additionally, the Chapter attempts to outline the impact of poverty upon the livelihood of Zambians, and the measures being put in place to alleviate the poverty situation.
Chapter 6 outlines the findings of the study, as well as recommendations for further research.