Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Southern African Transport Conference 12 - 15 July 2004 "Getting recognition for the importance of transport", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. With information and telecommunications technologies (ICT) transforming the way we live
and work, there is a clear need to investigate what impact these developments could have on
transport and the nature of cities. Researchers must understand and explain the way in which
ICTs are transforming the cities where people live and work. With every decade, the use of
new telecommunications systems is progressing faster and becoming more widespread in
society. Digital living will include less and less dependence on being in a specific place at a
specific time, and even the transmission of place itself will start to become possible. The aim of
this paper is provide an overview of the impact of advances in ICT and related technologies
on cities, and specifically how they could impact on transport. The paper looks at a few ICT
application areas and also relates them to South African realities and trends. The outcome of
the research could be used to inform future policy-making and planning in the South African
context. Possible further research needs are also identified in view of the lack of current and
relevant local information on the topic.
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