S1 Fig. Illustration of allocation of person time in marginal structural models. Hypothetical
person time contributed to each of the 6 exposure groups in marginal structural models.
S1 Table. Alternative stratifications for adjusted marginal structural models for hazard
ratios of death after first-line failure.
S2 Table. Adjusted marginal structural model hazard ratios for death after first-line failure,
limiting to patients with 2 weeks to <8 months between failing viral loads on first-line
(n = 4908).
S3 Table. Adjusted Cox proportional hazards ratios for alternative virologic outcomes on
second-line ART, stratified by peak CD4 count prior to first-line failure.
S4 Table. Adjusted marginal structural models for hazard ratios of death after first-line failure
(a) and adjusted Cox proportional hazards ratios for confirmed failure on second-line ART
(b), with weighting by inverse probability of censoring after second-line switch to account for
loss to follow-up.