Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Southern African Transport Conference 12 - 15 July 2004 "Getting recognition for the importance of transport", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. Various operational constraints have been experienced along the major SADC road links,
with an ultimate negative impact on the economy. For instance, deaths, injuries and damage
to infrastructure and motor vehicles resulting from road accidents are costing between 2 and
3 percent of GDP in countries such as Malawi. In addition, HIV/AIDS is changing the size and
composition of the work force, as skilled and experienced, but young work force is
prematurely falling sick and dying from AIDS. Also, delays at the SADC borders due to
inefficient customs and immigration formalities are costing approximately US$ 50 million a
year in additional transport costs and reduction in the capacity of the existing transport fleet.
Having recognized these operational constraints, SADC has embarked on an integrated pilot
project in the Beira Corridor, with the following major components: Improvement of Traffic
Safety; Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS; and Facilitation of Cross Border Traffic.
Each of the three components will terminate with a regional workshop, where the experience
learned with the respective implementation would be shared and the way forward drawn. The
implementation of the project has proved to be a widely supported initiative by both the
transport operators and the local communities. A corridor performance monitoring system
could be considered to facilitate the assessment of the project related activities and the overall
operational trends along the Beira Corridor.
This paper brings in some of the key issues in traffic management in the transport corridors,
while exploring the experience of the activities carried out in the Beira Corridor to address
the same. To this end, the first section presents a brief description of the Beira Corridor and
the problems that prompted the project design. The second part gives the project rationale
and the respective components, while the third part analyses the implementation process. The
paper ends with a brief overview on the way ahead.
This paper was transferred from the original CD ROM created for this conference. The material on the CD ROM was published using Adobe Acrobat technology. The original CD ROM was produced by Document Transformation Technologies Postal Address: PO Box 560 Irene 0062 South Africa. Tel.: +27 12 667 2074 Fax: +27 12 667 2766 E-mail: doctech@doctech.co.za URL: http://www.doctech.co.za