ORIENTATION : Against the backdrop of recent youth unemployment dynamics, scholars have
increasingly focused their attention on youth entrepreneurial intentions and their associated
factors, such as entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial characteristics.
RESEARCH PURPOSE : This article investigated the individual and combined effect of
entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial characteristics on youth entrepreneurial
MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY : Notwithstanding the popularity of entrepreneurship education, its
impact on learners’ entrepreneurial intentions is still not clearly established in the literature.
Moreover, whilst there is a growing consensus about the influence of certain entrepreneurial
characteristics on entrepreneurial intentions, rarely has the role of entrepreneurship education
in this relationship been examined.
RESEARCH DESIGN, APPROACH AND METHOD : Data for the analysis came from a cross-sectional
survey of secondary students enrolled in Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA)’s Mini
Enterprise Programme and a control group of secondary students. The data-collection
instrument was a questionnaire compiled from previously validated statements, which was
validly completed by 827 respondents.
MAIN FINDINGS : Hierarchical logistic regression analysis revealed that entrepreneurship
education and entrepreneurial characteristics per se do not influence entrepreneurial intentions
positively. However, once interaction effects were introduced, entrepreneurship education
moderated the influence of need for achievement and family support on entrepreneurial
intentions in a positive direction.
PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS : Entrepreneurship-education-and-training institutions such as JASA should selectively screen their candidates to ensure that they also possess need
for achievement and support from their close family.
CONTRIBUTION/VALUE ADD : This is the first study investigating both the individual and combined
effect of entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial characteristics on secondary
students’ entrepreneurial intentions.