Information privacy issues : implications for direct marketing

Show simple item record Jordaan, Yolanda 2008-05-27T08:46:36Z 2008-05-27T08:46:36Z 2007
dc.description.abstract While international studies show ample evidence of information privacy concerns, there is a lack of knowledge on the South African consumer’s opinion on information privacy, and their shopping behaviour, especially within a direct marketing context. The objectives of the study included the dependency between age and level of education and knowledge about information protection practices; the privacy concerns of direct and non-direct shoppers; and the direct shopping behaviour of victims versus non-victims. A probability (systematic) sampling design was used to draw a representative sample of households with listed telephone numbers in the different provincial Telkom telephone directories. The sample units were randomly selected where-after 800 telephone interviews were conducted with adults from these households. Findings include that: the level of awareness of name removal procedures is not dependant on age or educational level; that direct shoppers and non-direct shoppers differ in terms of their concern for solicitation practices; and that victims and non-victims differ in terms of their Internet shopping behaviour. The results from the study suggest that the ability to gather and maintain personal information does not necessarily imply that direct marketers are successful in establishing meaningful relationships with consumers. Direct marketing organisations need to be cautious of how they use consumers’ collected information and attend to several privacy issues if they want to facilitate relational exchanges between themselves and consumers. en
dc.format.extent 11637 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Jordaan, Y 2007, 'Information privacy issues: implications for direct marketing', International Retail and Marketing Review, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 42-53. en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Unisa en
dc.rights Unisa. Copyright has not been cleared yet en
dc.subject Information privacy en
dc.subject Consumer privacy en
dc.subject Privacy invasion en
dc.subject Personal information en
dc.subject Direct marketing en
dc.subject Privacy and purchasing behaviour en
dc.subject.lcsh Privacy -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Direct marketing -- South Africa en
dc.title Information privacy issues : implications for direct marketing en
dc.type Article en

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