About a year ago portions of preserved pig muscle were submitted by the Port Elizabeth abattoir authorities to this Institute in order to determine whether some whitish oval cysts attached to the fasciae of the muscles had any relation to cysticercosis. On dissection it proved that these cysts enclosed a delicate coiled worm, and the writer was fortunate in obtaining one complete female together with about 6 anterior and posterior ends of other female worms; no males
were recovered. Examination of this material clearly showed the filariid nature of this parasite, and in addition characteristics were noted which did not agree with the description of any filariid known
to the writer. The services of the Government veterinarian at Port Elizabeth were now solicited and Mr. Clemow, B.V.Sc., kindly undertook to obtain further material; in consequence some en tire
males and females were obtained and sent to this Institute together with a portion of unpreserved pig flank and a portion of flank was sent in glycerine; these showed several cysts under the body cavity lining. From these cysts the writer was able to dissect out several entire males and females. The writer wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Mr. Clemow for his kindly services.