1. Two rations for rearing dairy calves up to six months of age were tested. 2. Ten grade Friesland calves reared as milk substitute which was supplemented by lucerne hay, attained 85 per cent. Normal weight and 99•1 per cent. normal height. (a)The average birth and final weights were 82•4 lb. and 325•6 lb. respectively, and the average daily gain was 1.34 lb. (b) The feed costs per calf were £3. 4s. 5d. and the feed costs per hundred pounds gain in weight were £1. 6s. 6d. When on pasture from six to twelve months of age, these calves attained 95 per cent. normal weight and 100•3 per cent. normal height at one year of age. It is deducted that, while maximum weight was not attained on the experimental ration, growth was, nevertheless, satisfactory, as the calves were 99•1 per cent. normal height at six months of age, and they were able to show rapid advancement when put on pasture. 3. Ten grade Friesland calves reared on a skim milk ration supplemented by maize and lucerne hay, attained 113•2 per cent. normal weight and 99•9 per cent. normal height. (a)The average birth and final weight were 81.2 lb. ad 382.2 lb. respectively. And the average daily gain was 1•67 lb. (b) The feed costs per calf were £3. 15s. 01/2d. and the feed costs per hundred pounds gain in weight were £1. 4s. 11d. When on pasture from six to twelve months of age, these calves attained 103•8 per cent. normal weight and 102•1 per cent. normal height at one year of age. It may be deducted that maximum growth was attained on this experimental ration. 4. The milk substitute ration did not prove to be as efficient as the skim milk ration. However, the two rations tested serve two distinct purposes and they are both considered suitable and economical for rearing desirable types of dairy calves.